I have been dabbling into book binding and would love to make some notebooks to sell on etsy. I want them to be as eco friendly as I can so today I attempted to make my own paper from bits and bobs that would otherwise go into the recycling bin. Some bits of dried grass got in there when I scooped some spilled paper back in, and it actually looked quite nice, I might try some experimenting.

I promise if my books ever reach your shelves the pages will be a lot more uniform than these gentlemen hanging on the line. But a little dash of individuality makes life more interesting right?

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Sunflowers germinated in toilet rolls, Dylan made a hot compost, our first tomatoes have shown their shiny sheres and the beans are twining and flowering. The Chookheads as usual are up to no good and gobbling everything in sight. They have set a new record for demolishing an entire bed of Bok Choy in under an hour. They pay their way in delicious eggs though, never been late on a payment.

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These are the photos I took on Christmas Day, a very random assortment. I was busy finishing Dylan’s present in the corner of the garden with the chickens keeping me company. After the traditional Christmas Family Breakfast we went to the Botanic Gardens to celebrate my birthday. I hadn’t seen the “volcano” before and the little crutches for the cacti made me think of Dali. Dylan shed his shoes just in time to stand on sharp rocks.

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A beautiful foggy weekend camping at Mount Bogong. At first the walking was a bit tough because I was just coming off what seemed to be a summer flu (who ever knew such a thing existed, but I guess when it rains so much in December that picnic tables are underwater anything is possible). But walking slower did give me a nice excuse to admire the beautiful hills and eerie forests of bone white trees.

Dylan, decked out as an Alpine Cowboy,  found a tarp floating in the river and that soon became the perfect little cooking shelter and nearby he spotted this curious little red flower like thing that seemed to produce rather a foul looking gundge that attracted flies. Close to sunset on our second day we discovered a sweet little waterfall that Dylan boldly, and I less so, climbed to the base of, where soft grass pillows provided a lovely place for a nap.

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