25 edibles that survive utter neglect

Who said the greatest hunger a person has is to be needed? When it comes to gardening I’d consider it the height of success if I’ve designed myself out of the system completely. No watering, no propagating, just eating!

After 6 months of neglect: a boiling February, an unseasonably hot autumn and a cheerless winter; the food forest hadn’t even missed me. I was relieved. Some plants like the Warrigal greens, parsley and wormwood had actually attempted to take over the joint while I was gone!

So this list is for the busy, busy people out there, who just want to water intermittently, then leave plants to their own devices except for the occasional, to borrow a phrase from Jackie French, “hacking back the jungle” (maybe we can even train the chickens to this for us). I never thought I would ever curse having TOO MANY vigorous plants in the food forest, but I certainly did when I had to write this list, by number 20 I had lost the will, so I hope you find this useful! Drop me a comment if you do, I read everyone and cherish them!

The Survivors & multipliers

These are the plants that not only survived, but thrived on neglect. Taking the mickey really, not for the perfect manicured potager garden, but oh so wonderful for a community food forest. They are great filler plants when a garden is just getting established, after which plants like Warrigal greens can be cut back to create a space for a new plant. Once established these hardy plants will improve the soil, protect it for moisture loss and help to create a better environment so softer plants can also take root.

The fodd forest a year ago!
The food forest a year ago!

The food forest now!
The food forest now!






  1. Nasturtiums

  2. Acts as a living mulch
    Great Companions for fruit trees (repels bugs, attracts predatory insects) as well as to cabbage family, Turnips, Radishes, Cucumbers, Zucchini
    Pretty edible flowers
    Seeds cam be pickled as caper substitute
    Leaves can be used in salads and pesto
    Spread across the ground, roots easily by layering

  3. Chard

  4. Can be harvested all year, if it starts bolting cut the stalk and it should resprout
    Good companion for bean, cabbage family, tomato, onion
    Young leaves can be used in salads
    Its colourful stems are delicious baked or grilled
    Leaves can be used as spinach substitute in warm weather

  5. Parsley

  6. High in vitamins and minerals
    Good companion to asparagus, tomatoes, chives
    Wonderful in falafel stem and all!
    Yum in tabouli
    Self-seeding, when we came back from overseas we had an entire wicking bed and two huge pots full of parsley that we never planted there, lucky it’s so useful!

  7. Mint

  8. Good companion to cabbages and tomatoes
    Great fresh or dried for herbal tea
    Some like it hot, but for those who don’t a minty raita is great on a curry
    Robust, can be used as a permaculture lawn or living mulch (but can choke out other plant if not harvested regularly)
    Quick spreading by runners, you can just rip a fistful out and replant it

  9. Wormwood

  10. Pest and animal deterrent so best utilised on garden borders to stop those pesky pets weeing on the veg!
    Can supress weeds because roots secrete growth inhibitors, should keep away from other plants for this reason
    Chop and drop for paths for above reasons
    Grow near chook pens to control external parasites
    Sends out roots and shoots to multiply

  11. Pineapple sage

  12. Our housemate loves to make pineapple sage cupcakes from the flowers and leaves
    Adds nice fruity taste to ice teas and cocktails
    Extremely vigorous if chopped inches from the ground will resprout bushier and fuller (like a beard!)
    Provides nectar for native spinebill
    Used for treatment of anxiety and depression


Wormwood seedling in January
Wormwood seedling in January

6 months later it is huge!
6 months later it is huge!
elderflower in january
elderflower in january
elderflower 6 months later
elderflower 6 months later


  1. Warrigal greens

  2. High in antioxidants and fibre. Captain Cook’s crew ate it aboard the Endeavour to prevent scurvy and it was the first Australian edible to be cultivated overseas. Can be used just like spinach.
    Like nasturtiums makes a great pesto (who needs spinach and basil anyway, the capricious creatures!)
    Completely smothers weeds, so excellent under fruit trees (just be careful to cut it away from other smaller plants so it doesn’t just plow over them)
    Disease and pest resistant
    Self-seeds readily and is easily propagated by cutting, just snap it off and shove it in the ground like elderflower and it will just keep on growing.

  3. Saltbush

  4. Tough, drought tolerant and longlived
    Can grow in very poor soils, it has thrived in the dry, compacted edges of the food forest
    Seeds can be ground for damper, or the dried leaves used as a garnish
    Leaves can be used in salads, blanched to wrap fish or even in fritters
    Prostrate forms are a vigorous groundcover that are like a carpet so they don’t smother like warrigal greens; shrubs can be shaped to form a low hedge

  5. Elderflower

  6. Repels insects and vermin
    An excellent hedging plant, often seen in British hedgerows, birds and bees love it.
    Flowers make delicious elderflower cordial
    Elderflower fritters are also yummy
    Strike extremely easily from cuttings, I have cut twigs and just poked them in the ground and they have sprouted!

  7. Feverfew

  8. Good companions crop “banker” to attract predatory insects which reduce aphids, spider mites, thrips and white fly on nearby plants
    Self-sows easily
    Chewing the leaves is said to reduce migraines, but as with all medicinal plants it is best left to the experts, pregnant women in particular should avoid self medicating with medicinal herbs
    Creates a compact 30cm hedge that is great for delineating borders, pretty daisy flowers
    Dried sachets can be used to deter moths from clothing
    Yellow dye can be made from the leaves and stems




  1. Native raspberry

  2. It is high in antioxidants and it studies with mice was shown to prevent damage to the liver.
    Similar taste to commercial raspberries
    Hardier in this climate than commercial raspberries, can be shawn off at the base whilst in leaf and resprout within weeks (It was accident, but it came back even bushier!)
    Self-fertile, but more success by layering – takes root where canes touch the ground
    Tolerates full sun to full shade, but more likely to fruit with sun exposure.

  3. Rocket

  4. Good companion to bush beans, celery, carrots, nasturtium, mint, dill, lettuce, cucumbers, onions, rosemary, potatoes
    Cover crop, is an effective biofumigant that will overwinter. Before it sets seed chop to the ground and incorporate into soil. Suppresses weeds, fungal pathogens and insects.
    Minimises surface compaction with its tap root.
    Young leaves great in salads
    Self-seeds readily

  5. Nettles

  6. Good companion, increases volatile oils in plants e.g. valerian, mint, sage and rosemary
    Compost activator
    Makes a delicious pesto, but harvest when leaves are young for best flavour. Great on pizza as well as pasta.
    Winter forage for chooks, even increases egg production!
    Habitat for butterflies and other beneficial insects.

  7. Dandelions

  8. Roots are fantastic in stirfries.
    Roots can also be used as a coffee substitute for those trying to kick the addiction, but love the ritual.
    Flowers and young leaves are great in salads
    High in vitamins and nutrients especially calcium, iron and vitamin A & C.
    Spreads readily via their puff ball seeds, grows anywhere.

  9. Strawberries

  10. Good companion of Borage, Lettuce, Spinach, Sage
    Groundcover to exclude weeds (especially wild strawberries) Look lovely on borders as a barrier to grass.
    We had surprising success with strawberries in the food forest wild and standard, they have survived very dry conditions and although those in the driest spots did not fruit as well we still have gotten a constant trickle of fruit this spring, can’t wait until summer! we just ate them straight off the bush.
    Try this strawberry chia seed jam
    Spreads via runners




  1. Radish

  2. Good companion to peas, nasturtium, lettuce, cucumbers, spinach (attracts leaf miner away), chervil (Improves growth & flavour), carrots
    Good nurse crop, they grow fast so if you plant them in a circle around a tomato or other slow grower it will protect it from sun, wind, weeds and pest until it is big enough to look after itself. Often sown with carrots and keeps the soil moist.
    Radish leaves can be used in stir-fries or salads and are more nutritious than the root.
    My french friend eats baby radishes like an apple, fresh from the garden and then eats its leaves too! That’s a bit too spicy for me so I prefer them sliced in a salad.
    If you choose daikon radishes they are very good at breaking up compacted soil , scavenging nutrients from deep down

  3. Clover

  4. Fixes nitrogen in the soil
    Attracts beneficial insects
    Great ground cover/green manure in cooler months (dies down in summer)
    Try clover tea for multiple health benefits including being anticarcinogenic and relieving PMS

  5. Borage

  6. Good companion to Tomatoes (attract bees, deters tomato worm, improves growth & flavour), squash, strawberries (increases yield)
    Pretty blue or white edible flowers can add colour to salads and pastas; sugared they can also be used in sweet dishes as cake decoration or in drinks
    Borage leaves make a tea that soothes the stomach and the heart!
    Leaves have a cucumber taste commonly used in soups
    Self-seeds like a champion

  7. Yarrow

  8. Attracts beneficial insects with its pretty flowers
    Increases essential oil production of herbs
    Compost activator
    Useful herb for wounds stops bleeding, relieves pain and has antimicrobial properties.
    Spreads through seeds and underground rhizomes, once you have it, it’s for life.

  9. Calendula

  10. Beneficial insect attracting
    Nematode deterring plant, so a good companion for tomatoes
    Bright orange petals add lovely colour to salads or vegetable stock
    Oil made from the flowers is used in creams and balms to help heal wounds, burns, cracked skin & co






  1. Sorrel

  2. High in Vitamin & minerals, especially A, C & iron
    Dynamic accumulator – long tap roots mine for nutrients so it is not only good for breaking up compacted soil, but a good cover crop which can be slashed to add nutrients to the top soil
    Grows in sun or shade
    Leaves add a nice lemony taste to salads or soup
    Drought tolerant
    Grows from seed or by division

  3. Cherry Tomatoes

  4. Kids love finding these sweet treats, we just let the plants sprawl.
    I’m sure I don’t really need to give you any recipes, but this is a chance to send a shout out to two of my favourite cooking blogs vegie num num and green kitchen stories
    Cherry tomatoes are hardier and faster to ripen than larger varieties
    Cherry tomatoes require less heat/sun hours
    A surprise favourite in the food forest that seemed to come up of its own accord. We let it go to seed and sure if they sprang up again this spring.

  5. Lemon balm

  6. Forms a low hedge, so good for borders
    Create a soothing tea from the leaves, considered a mild anti-depressant
    Can be used in baking – how about lemon balm biscuits?
    Flowers attract beneficial insects

  7. Basil mint

  8. Strong scent repels cabbage moth so plant near brassicas
    Doesn’t quite taste like basil, but has its own delicious flavour that I love adding to Banh Xeo
    Can be pruned to form a low hedge for borders
    High essential oil content
    Great filler, like mint it spreads by runners

  9. Marjoram

  10. This is included in a list of “plants that benefit everything” with lemon balm
    Tea from leaves good for sorethroats and aids digestion
    Pretty delicate leaves, flowers attract beneficial insects
    In our garden golden marjoram is far more vigorous than oregano
    Keeps full flavour when dried, mmm…tomato marjoram dip






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community rehabilitation garden – stage 1

Hidden away, just off busy Mount Alexander Road there is a little community with a patch of lawn that dreamed of being something more.

After months of life-affirming moments: fly-fishing with a reconstructive surgeon in Oregon, building Earthships in New Mexico, green woodworking in the Sussex forest, wild camping in Napoleon’s pine forests; it was hard to find inspiration touching down into the old rhythm. After weeks of work, eat, sleep, finally a project brought me out of my stupor and gave colour, energy and meaning back into my world. I hope it touches others as deeply.

The residents of Norfolk Terrace are coping with long-term serious mental illness and disability and we were asked to design a permaculture garden to engage them in growing their own fresh food. We hope as well as turning a bland patch of grass into an edible garden, this becomes a place to building connections and community.

6am awaking with a start to a downpour, 3 years to the day since our own Permablitz was a near wash out, who says Melbourne weather is unpredictable? 8:30 ticked over and the rain had eased so…what the heck, let’s just go for it, if only a hand full of people show for two hours it would still accomplish more than us slogging to complete it by ourselves (and more importantly the sausages and vegetarian delights were already prepared and waiting)!

The residents hadn’t slept well, what with the hot night and the storm, they might not be roused to show up, Greg, a staff member, informed us with an apologetic grimace. We’d heard it before, don’t expect too much, wandering enthusiasm, and the like, but in my honest heart a Permablitz without the residents would be disappointing. Oh well, our volunteers (those undeterred by rain) were pouring in and there was a promising crevasse in the clouds, we threw ourselves into the business of making a permaculture paradise!

It only took a few minutes for Tony to prove him wrong, rocking up to observe, joke and water when required despite his tricky heart. Then another shy smiling resident came to tuck our pile of turf into bed, our main man when it came to covering grass with hessian to stop it sprouting. Tony pointed out it looked like the grave of someone with a loooong body, a boa constrictor a volunteer suggested.












To the delight of the workers the rain restrained itself to only spitting and that only after we had worked in warm sun long enough to need cooling off. Smiles were wide and laughter was easy, everyone was excited to construct raised garden wicking beds, despite having to do some tricky levelling off the ground beforehand. Elsewhere the brick laying gang finished their pretty angled edging of the no-dig gardens and were rewarded with a little planting. Although unplanned the CERES donations of punnets and punnets of corn and white cucumbers meant we could try out the three sisters’ method of planting: hungry/thirsty corn, with trailing vines to keep the soil moist and beans to climb up the stalks and fix nitrogen into the soil.

Lunch was ready just in time as hard working bellies began to growl. Sausages went down a treat with the omnivores who were also pleasantly suprised by the vegetarian fare of beetroot burgers and delicious quinoa salad with grilled mushrooms. The work had been going along well so volunteers, residents and staff relaxed for a chat while everything digested.

After the last crumbs were brushed from beards and raincoats Dylan ran a wicking bed workshop, which I will paraphrase in a future post. Sand and compost went in and then those who had been pushing wheelbarrows for most of the day had a chance to finish it off with some onions and eggplant seedlings.

The sun started to halo our workers as the afternoon wore on just as the finishing touches were going into the second brick no-dig garden. It was planted with adwarf manderine, buddha’s fingers, tea plant, maqui berry and artichokes which would form an edible evergreen hedge to the south of the raised vegetable gardens. As the sand was levelled in the second wicking bed it struck 5pm and Dylan could only usher everyone off by promising a second Permabee to finish off the two other wicking beds this Tuesday. Now if having to bribe your volunteers with another day of labouring isn’t a sign of a happy and successful Blitz, I don’t know what is! Thanks to everyone who came and a special thank you to Norfolk Terrace and the Flemington Neigbourhood Learning Centre for making this happen.

If anyone is interested in attenting the Permabee on Tuesday 4th November contact us at info@thedesertecho.com and to be involved as a volunteer at the Norfolk garden please contact pip@fsnlc.net 9376 9088, we will be running workshops for residents every Friday morning and welcome volunteers to help out.

P.S. You might like to our Community Food Forest Permablitz post


















edible-evergreen -permaculture-hedge-beautiful-vegetable-garden





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On Saturday I’m facilitating my 5th Permablitz, but the first I designed and organised without Dylan. It’s a bit scary going solo, but being a community project really exciting! As I got the final preparations in order and butterflies fluttered in my stomach, I realised how daunting it must be for first time designer/facilitators. If you are a bit scared of putting yourself out there here are some random tips I’ve picked up along the way. Not at all exhaustive, but I hope it encourages you to get involved.


Don’t try and do everything yourself!

I have designed and facilitated at all 5 of my Permablitzes and been head facilitator at 3 of them (and although it is hard to believe someone who doesn’t take her own advice) don’t do both, for your own sanity! Get someone from the collective to be head facilitator on the day and take a back seat role. It will allow you to relax a bit more while someone with experience takes the reins. They will also pick up on logistical issues such as bottle necks to the compost pile that you might have missed.


Have fun!

The people who attend the permablitz are volunteers so whilst a little bit of hard work is fine, don’t run them into the ground like slaves. Temper hole digging with easier fun activities like planting and workshops. If people feel like they have learnt something when they leave then it’s a beautiful thing! You’ll get a lot of first time Blitzers attending and you don’t want this blitz to be their last!


Dream big, but not too big!

It’s okay to design the perfect permaculture garden that will feed 3 families of 4 come the apocalypse, but know what is achievable. Ask yourself is this too much for the host to maintain? Is it too much to do in a day? Yes, cut it back. Perhaps suggest staging it, with 2 blitzes a year apart. Not only will the Blitzers have a manageable amount of work to do on the day, but it won’t be too much weeding, planting, watering for the host to deal with come the morning. If it is all running like a well oiled machine months later then the host can hold another blitz to finish the job, if not, maybe just a Permabee to help maintain what is already there.


Know your soil

If there is any digging to be done on the day make sure you know what you’ve got yourself into. Heavy clay might mean you decide not to do that swale and build up instead. If you aren’t building the soil up it might even be a good idea to suggest a soil test in case of contaminants. If you are digging down on public land also consider dialing before you dig, to make sure you don’t cut something important. That would be awkward!












Know your micro-climates

Soil, sun and moisture can vary so much on the one site! Lastcweek I marked the path for Sqturday’s Blitz with a shovel, it was hard work, but now I can relax the morning of the Blitz, the markings won’t wash away like spray paint, it will be clear to see where to scalp the turf and I was able to have a good look at the different soil types and moisture patterns on site. And on a 27+C day I definitely worked out where the shade was. This will be really helpful when it’s time for planting, making sure the soft moisture lovers are not hanging out where the tough guys should be lurking.


Don’t forget the plants!

That might seem obvious, but hosts tend to get so concentrated on compost and mulch that hardly any time and budget is left for plants and a Permablitz without plants leaves it looking unfinished, more opportunity for weeds to grow, exposed to the elements and nothing for the host to eat. If money is an issue then remind them to get propagating ASAP, and their friends and family, and please anyone who can donate seedlings!


Value design, but don’t be precious

Its your host’s garden so apart from a design and list of materials it is not your job to run around ordering materials and plants for them. By creating a kickass design you have already given them a lot of yourself. Remember if you value good design others will to. And for host & designer, don’t make promises that are going above and beyond that you can’t deliver. Too hard? Be honest! Although some ideas might be amazing, they might be impractical, not everyone is blessed with a ute, learn to let go. By the same token, it’s not your garden so don’t force your ideas on resistant ears.


Prepare for a rainy day.

Despite your best intentions some things are out of your control. One of these is the weather another is your volunteers. Be prepared! Can you tarp an area? Can you reduce the scope in case people don’t turn up? Or maybe it is way too hot, how can you provide shade? Don’t forget sunscreen and hydration! Whatever comes your way have a contingency plan. If it’s too wet to dig paths out in the slosh, it’s okay to save it for another day (make sure the host is aware of this). Perhaps you can get the sheet mulching done and a timber planter built under cover. Quality not quantity!


Don’t double handle

If it’s easier to do things inefficiently at a blitz you have too many people. Carefully plan circulation and access paths to avoid bottle necks. Make sure you have enough wheelbarrows and tools. When you send out a reminder email a week before the blitz ask people to tell you what they can bring. Divide the Blitzers into smaller groups with a facilitator for each who can look after their questions rather than you being the only go to person. Spread these groups out so they don’t get in each others way or all need the hose at once. Let them look after an area rather than a task, no one wants to be on compost moving all day.


Be inspired

Throughout the day take a moment to realise what you all have achieved. You came together as a group of strangers to create something beautiful, not only for the garden’s owner, but for the community as well. Back pats and beers all round! See you on Saturday!






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flemington forest garden design

A low maintenance community food forest in the heart of the city


It all began as an off-hand comment at the Flemington Food Swap, “wouldn’t it be great if we could transform that patch of grass and fruit trees into a food forest” – a week later it was happening. I couldn’t believe my luck, knowing it had taken the Moreland Food Forest group 2 years to convince their council, a week seemed beyond belief. Thank you Pat from MINTI and My Smart Garden for working your magic!

Of course it all made sense (but sense isn’t always what drives the powers that be), the stoic little bunch of fruit trees at the Farnham Street Park were struggling against encroaching grass and the perfunctory whipper-snipping of indolent contractors that left the trunks scarred and almost ring-barked. These same trees would flourish without the competition of grass and with a living green mulch of understorey plants. What’s more, the amount of grass the council would have to cut would be reduced to a simple boundary edge with no trunks or awkward fences to navigate. A win win in all directions, not to mention a beautiful low maintenance garden that would not only provide a sanctuary for birds and beneficial insects, but a great space for the community to learn about different perennial crops, preserving, pruning and planting.

My plan is to start small, but make it beautiful as well as productive.

Flowers as well as fruit, a secret pathway for the kids to run amongst the trees with little clearings where they might find a bench repurposed from a pallet for tea parties, or sculptures made by local artists. And maybe, just maybe when people see how lovely a perennial food garden can be they might start popping up everywhere.

Like us on Facebook for more updates. See plant suggestions below paired with a microclimate plan.









Drought tolerant/ Well drained

* Shade tolerant

Common sage
French Sorrel*
Garlic chives*
Golden marjoram
Greek oregano
Lavender (English)
Lawn thyme
Lemon Thyme
Lemon verbena
Nodding saltbush*
Orange Daylily*
Purple sage
Running postman*
Sweet alyssum*
The King White or Shahtoot Mulberry

Allium schoenoprasum
Salvia officinalis
Ribes spp.
Sambucus nigra
Rumex scutatus
Allium tuberosum
Origanum vulgare ‘Aureum’
Origanum vulgare subsp. hirtum
Armoracia rusticana
Simmondsia chinensis
Lavandula angustifolia
Thymus serpyllum
Thymus x citriodorus
Aloysia triphylla
Tropaeolum minus
Chenopodium nutans
Hemerocallis fulva
Salvia officinalis ‘Purpurescens’
Rosmarinus officinalis
Kennedia prostrata
Lobularia maritima
Cytisus proliferus
Tanacetum vulgare
Morus macroura
Thymus vulgaris
Achillea millefolium




Seasonal Watering

Alpine strawberry
Globe artichoke
Goji berry
Jerusalem artichoke
Lemon balm
Pineapple sage*
Red-veined Dock/Sorrel
River mint*
Roman/lawn chamomile
Vietnamese mint
Yam Daisy*

Prunus dulcis
Fragaria vesca
Carica pentagona
Borago officinalis
Trifolium spp.
Symphytum officinale
Cynara scolymus
Lycium barbarum
Hyssopus officinalis
Helianthus tuberosus
Melissa officinalis
Cymbopogon citratus
Passiflora edulis
Salvia elegans 
Rubus spp.
Rumex sanguineus
Mentha australis
Chamaemelum nobile
Solanum betaceum
Persicaria odorata
Polymnia sonchifolia
Microseris spp.

Moisture loving

Galangal (Thai Ginger)*
Kiwi berry*
Malabar Spinach / red

Alpinia galangal
Actinidia arguta
Basella alba / rubra



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