Today I cajoled poor old man Dylan into a river quest to get sand for my seed raising mix. Flooding around Grey River made it a little more of an adventure than my city slickers ways had expected and wet bums were enjoyed by all as we slipped over lichen covered rocks and through brambly, scratchy blackberries only to end up with little to show for our efforts. Despite a sound scolding from our gardening book we had to settle for finer, saltier sand where the river spilled oceanwards.

Gracie Dog enjoyed a seedling inspection, but she soon discovered there were much more interesting things to inspect. Meanwhile two naughty city dogs waited inside to be served, only to be disappointed, but not too disappointed.

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  1. Mm Mmm, Gracie dog does like to help.
    Gracie has commented that those naughty cities dogs need to do a little bit more around the house at Gray River. There is a lot for one dog to do and all Charlie and Little did was watch TV and wait for dinner.

    1. They are very naughty dogs, that Gracie needs to tell them who is top dog around there. Maybe they can help with your gardening, I’m sure Little would be an expert tree planter if he put his paw to it.

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