Carrot flower in the garden

Carrot flower up close

Chook tractor where beetroot garden bed used to be in preparation for the Flemington Permablitz

Transplanting the lily pilly in preparation for the Flemington Permablitz

Beetroot harvested in preparation for the Flemington Permablitz

Sylan putting up a tarp in preparation for the Flemington Permablitz

Tying the tarp to the old clothesline in preparation for the Flemington Permablitz


I’m stealing a few hours this morning while the rain dampens our efforts to start putting up some photos of the preparation for our Permablitz. We have been working solidly for several weeks and I have neglected my blog terribly, as we have slowly been swallowed up by a growing mound of clay and so many earth walls to build before Sunday!

Although we are excited by the new design,  nostalgia made us solemn as we ripped up some of our old chook rotation garden beds. A carrot gone wild had started to bloom and I felt sad to deprive our bees of its pillowy blossom.

Since we started our little veggie path in July of last year I have never stopped delighting in the wonders of flowers, roots and leaves that I had never before associated with the produce from the green grocer.


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